
This package defines APIs specific to the SOAP binding.


Interface Summary
SOAPBinding The SOAPBinding interface is an abstraction for the SOAP binding.

Class Summary
AddressingFeature AddressingFeature represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP 1.1/HTTP or SOAP 1.2/HTTP binding.
MTOMFeature This feature represents the use of MTOM with a web service.

Enum Summary
AddressingFeature.Responses If addressing is enabled, this property determines if endpoint requires the use of only anonymous responses, or only non-anonymous responses, or all.

Exception Summary
SOAPFaultException The SOAPFaultException exception represents a SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 fault.

Annotation Types Summary
Addressing This annotation represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP 1.1/HTTP or SOAP 1.2/HTTP binding.
MTOM This feature represents the use of MTOM with a web service.

Package Description

This package defines APIs specific to the SOAP binding.

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Generated on 4-June-2010 04:34