Package javax.xml.registry.infomodel

This package describes the information model for JAXR API.


Interface Summary
Association A RegistryObject instance may be associated with zero or more RegistryObject instances.
AuditableEvent AuditableEvent instances provide a long term record of events that effect a change of state in a RegistryObject.
Classification The Classification interface is used to classify RegistryObject instances.
ClassificationScheme A ClassificationScheme instance represents a taxonomy that may be used to classify or categorize RegistryObject instances.
Concept The Concept interface is used to represent taxonomy elements and their structural relationship with each other in order to describe an internal taxonomy.
EmailAddress Represents an email address
ExtensibleObject An ExtensibleObject is one that allows itself to be extended by utilizing dynamically added Slots that add arbitrary attributes to the object on a per instance basis.
ExternalIdentifier ExternalIdentifier instances provide the additional identifier information to RegistryObjects such as DUNS number, Social Security Number, or an alias name of the organization.
ExternalLink ExternalLink instances model a named URI to content that may reside outside the registry.
ExtrinsicObject ExtrinsicObjects provide metadata that describes submitted content whose type is not intrinsically known to the registry and therefore must be described by means of additional attributes (e.g., mime type).
InternationalString This interface represents a String that has been internationalized into several Locales.
Key Represents a unique key that identifies a RegistryObject.
LocalizedString This interface is used as a simple wrapper interface that associates a String with its Locale.
Organization Organization instances provide information on organizations such as a Submitting Organization.
PersonName Represents a person's name.
PostalAddress PostalAddress is a simple re-usable entity class that defines attributes of a postal Address.
RegistryEntry The RegistryEntry interface is a base interface for interfaces in the model that require additional metadata beyond what is provided by the RegistryObject interface.
RegistryObject The RegistryObject class is an abstract base class used by most classes in the model.
RegistryPackage RegistryPackage instances are RegistryEntries that group logically related RegistryEntries together.
Service Service instances are RegistryObjects that provide information on services (e.g.
ServiceBinding ServiceBinding instances are RegistryObjects that represent technical information on a specific way to access a specific interface offered by a Service instance.
Slot Slot instances provide a dynamic way to add arbitrary attributes to RegistryObject instances.
SpecificationLink A SpecificationLink provides the linkage between a ServiceBinding and one of its technical specifications that describes how to use the service using the ServiceBinding.
TelephoneNumber A simple re-usable entity class that defines attributes of a telephone number.
URIValidator Defines common behavior expected of any class that validates URIs.
User User instances are RegistryObjects that are used to provide information about registered users within the registry.
Versionable The Versionable interface defines the behavior common to classes that are capable of creating versions of their instances.

Package javax.xml.registry.infomodel Description

This package describes the information model for JAXR API. It is based largely on the ebXML Registry Information Model with enhancements to support other registry specifications such as UDDI.

The class diagram in Fig. 1 below shows the public view of the information model:

Figure 1: Information Model Public View

The class diagram in Fig. 2 below shows the inheritance view of the information model:

Figure 2: Information Model Detailed View

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Generated on 4-June-2010 04:34