Interface FacesListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ActionListener, AjaxBehaviorListener, BehaviorListener, ComponentSystemEventListener, SystemEventListener, ValueChangeListener, ViewMapListener
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExceptionHandler, ExceptionHandlerWrapper, HtmlBody, HtmlColumn, HtmlCommandButton, HtmlCommandLink, HtmlDataTable, HtmlForm, HtmlGraphicImage, HtmlHead, HtmlInputHidden, HtmlInputSecret, HtmlInputText, HtmlInputTextarea, HtmlMessage, HtmlMessages, HtmlOutcomeTargetButton, HtmlOutcomeTargetLink, HtmlOutputFormat, HtmlOutputLabel, HtmlOutputLink, HtmlOutputText, HtmlPanelGrid, HtmlPanelGroup, HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox, HtmlSelectManyCheckbox, HtmlSelectManyListbox, HtmlSelectManyMenu, HtmlSelectOneListbox, HtmlSelectOneMenu, HtmlSelectOneRadio, MethodExpressionActionListener, MethodExpressionValueChangeListener, UIColumn, UICommand, UIComponent, UIComponentBase, UIData, UIForm, UIGraphic, UIInput, UIMessage, UIMessages, UINamingContainer, UIOutcomeTarget, UIOutput, UIPanel, UIParameter, UISelectBoolean, UISelectItem, UISelectItems, UISelectMany, UISelectOne, UIViewParameter, UIViewRoot

public interface FacesListener
extends java.util.EventListener

A generic base interface for event listeners for various types of FacesEvents. All listener interfaces for specific FacesEvent event types must extend this interface.

Implementations of this interface must have a zero-args public constructor. If the class that implements this interface has state that needs to be saved and restored between requests, the class must also implement StateHolder.

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Generated on 4-June-2010 04:34