Software Updates

In the <Software Update> menu, you can update your 3Rabbitz Book to a new version.

If the <Software Update> menu is invisible, then you need to click on the <Admin> menu in the upper right corner. The <Admin> menu is only visible to the users with the “Administrator” role.

Admin Menu

Getting Ready for S/W Updates

You can check the availability of your software update and download the installation files in the following order.

When you check the software updates and download the installation files, the server ID and the version of the currently installed product will be transmitted to the 3Rabbitz update server.

  1. Click on the <Software Update> menu.

  2. Click on the <Check for Updates> link.

  3. If the update is available, then the new version information and the <Download Update> link will appear.

Dowloading the Software Update File

  1. Click on the <Download Update> link. The necessary update file will be downloaded.

Getting Ready for S/W Updates

You can click on the <View Release Note> link to check the changes made. And, if you want to stop updates after downloading the installation file, then you will have to click on the <Cancel> link.

If the server where 3Rabbitz Book is installed is not connected to the internet, then you can’t download the installation files. In this case, you will have to directly upload the installation files in the following order.

  1. Go to the 3Rabbitz homepage and download the installation files.

Even when 3Rabbitz Book is installed in Windows, you will have to download the installation files for Linux/ Unix/ Mac OS.

  1. Click on the <Software Updates> menu.

  2. Click on the <Check for Updates> link.

  3. Click on the <Upload File> link to upload the downloaded installation file.

Uploading a Update File

Restarting 3Rabbitz Book

After completing your downloads, restart the 3Rabbitz Book to start automatic S/W updates.

3RABBITZ_HOME is the directory where 3Rabbitz Book is installed.


In Windows, you can restart your 3Rabbitz Book in the following order.

  1. In your Windows Explorer, go to the 3RABBITZ_HOME\bin folder.

  2. Run the shutdown.bat file.

  3. When 3Rabbitz Book is completely stopped, run the startup.bat file.

Linux and Mac OS

In Linux or Mac OS, you can restart your 3Rabbitz Book in the following order.

  1. Move to the 3RABBITZ_HOME/bin directory.

  2. Execute the following command.

  1. When 3Rabbitz Book is completely stopped1, execute the following command.


  1. “ps -ef | grep 3rabbitz” command is used to check if it is completely stopped.