Windows Installation Guide

Follow these steps to install 3Rabbitz Book on your Windows.

The following steps are for Windows 7.

  1. Install Java 6.0 or later.

  2. Download the 3Rabbitz Book installation file.

  3. Decompress the 3Rabbitz Book installation file.

  4. Start 3Rabbitz Book.

  5. Run Installation Wizard.

Installing Java 6.0 or Later

Checking Java Installation and Its Version

To check your Java installation and its version, follow these steps.

  1. In the execution box of the <Start> menu on your Windows, enter CMD to run a command prompt.

Executing a Command Prompt

  1. Execute the following command in the command prompt.

java -version

If the following results does not show up or if the version is not equal to 1.6 or later, then you will have to install Java.

Checking the Java Version

Installing Java

To install Java on your Windows, follow these steps.

  1. Download the Java installation files from the Oracle Java site.

    • You are recommended to download Java 7. At present, the latest version is Java SE 7u51.

    • If you use 32 bit Windows, then select Windows x86 Offline and if you use 64 bit Windows, then select Windows x64.

Should I download JRE or should I download JDK?

JRE(Java Runtime Environment) is used to run the software made using Java(3Rabbitz Book and so on) and JDK(Java Development Kit) is a group of tools and JRE necessary for Java software development. Thus, if you install Java to use 3Rabbitz Book only, then you are recommended to install JRE.

  1. Click the downloaded file to install Java.

JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME Environment Variable Setting

To configure JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variables, follow these steps.

  1. Right click with your mouse button on the <Start | Computer> menu. The context menu will appear.

  2. In the context menu, click on the <Properties> menu.

Opening the Property Menu on Your Computer

  1. In the left menu, click on the <Advanced system settings> menu.

Viewing the Basic Information about Your Computer

  1. In the System Properties windows, click on the <Environment Variables> button below the <Advanced> tab.

System Properties

  1. In the Environment Variable windows, click on the <New> button located below the <System Variables> panel.

Environment Variables

  1. Enter a variable name and value in the New System Variable windows and click on the <OK> button.

New System Variable

If JRE is installed, then enter JRE_HOME and if JDK is installed, then enter JAVA_HOME for the variable name. A variable name field requires the path for the folder where JRE or JDK is installed. The detailed path can be checked from the C:\Program Files\Java folder.

Environment Variable

Variable name

Variable value1

JRE is installed.


C:\Program Files\Java\jre7

JDK is installed.


C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03

If both of JRE_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set, then JRE_HOME has a higher priority.

Installing 3Rabbitz Book

Download the installation file and decompress it. Installation of 3Rabbitz Book will be completed.

  1. Download the Windows version of installation file from the 3Rabbitz download page.

  2. After decompressing it, move the 3rabbitz folder to the folder where you want to install the 3Rabbitz Book.

The full path for the folder to be installed should not have space or special character(~!@#$%^&*()_+|"<>':`).

Product Folder Structure

Starting 3Rabbitz Book

3RABBITZ_HOME refers to the folder where 3Rabbitz Book is installed.

To start 3Rabbitz Book, follow these steps.

  1. In your Windows Explorer, move to the 3RABBITZ_HOME\bin folder.

  2. Run the startup.bat file.

  3. Using Installation Wizard, perform the initial configuration works.

Stopping 3Rabbitz Book

To stop 3Rabbitz Book, follow these steps.

  1. In your Windows Explorer, move to the 3RABBITZ_HOME\bin folder.

  2. Run the shutdown.bat program.

  1. The variable value may differ depending on the Java version and the folder location.