Linux Installation Guide

Follow these steps to install 3Rabbitz Book on your Linux.

  1. Install Java 6.0 or later.

  2. Download the 3Rabbitz Book installation file.

  3. Decompress the 3Rabbitz Book installation file.

  4. In the terminal, start 3Rabbitz Book.

  5. Run Installation Wizard.

Installing Java 6.0 or Later

Checking Java Installation and Its Version

Execute the following command in the terminal to check Java installation and its version.

java -version

If the following results do not appear or if the version is OpenJDK or not equal to 1.6 or later, then you will have to install Java.

Checking the Java Version

Installing Java

The method for installing Java may differ significantly depending on Linux distribution and version. So, you need to proceed with Java installation suitably for Linux distribution and version.

Installing 3Rabbitz Book

Download and decompress the installation file. Installation of 3Rabbitz Book will be completed.

  1. Download the Linux version of installation file from the 3Rabbitz download page.

  2. Send the downloaded files via FTP to the Linux server where they will be installed.

If the Linux server has an internet connection, then use the following command to directly download the installation files to the server.

wget --content-disposition

The full path for the directory to be installed should not have space or special character(~!@#$%^&*()_+|"<>':`).

  1. Using a tar command, decompress the file.

tar -xvf 3rabbitz-book-1.5.0.tar.gz
  1. After decompressing it, move the 3rabbitz directory to the directory where you want to install the 3Rabbitz Book.

Product Directory Structure

Starting 3Rabbitz Book

3RABBITZ_HOME refers to the directory where 3Rabbitz Book is installed.

To start 3Rabbitz Book, follow these steps.

  1. Move to the 3RABBITZ_HOME/bin directory.

  2. Run the following command.

  1. Using Installation Wizard, perform the initial configuration works.

Stopping 3Rabbitz Book

To stop 3Rabbitz Book, follow these steps.

  1. Move to the 3RABBITZ_HOME/bin directory.

  2. Run the following command.
