3Rabbitz Book 1.5.8 Release Notes

Newly Added or Changed Features

Project Management

You can manage documents with the project as following.

1Configure the dashboard as the project list. Please refer to the previous figure.

2Configure the dashboard as the document list.

3You can reorder the projects with drag & drop.

4You can update the project details and delete the project and change members of the project and assign documents to the project.

5You can create a new project.

In the document access control form, you can select “Project Members”

Welcome Page Setting

You can configure the welcome page which will be displayed when an user only enter base domain URL or IP address of your 3Rabbitz Server.

  1. In the <Preferences | 1General> menu, click the <2Update General> link.

  1. After entering text in the 3welcome page field, click the <4Save> button.

You can configure the welcome page differently depending on the language.


Access Control Form UI Enhancement

Access control form is divided by user and group list.

Web Viewer

Web Viewer Layout


Bug Fixes